
VSI builds image intensifiers, for use with an existing or custom camera, so you can see more. VSI intensifiers expand the use of cameras in specialized applications to allow a camera to see outside the normal spectral range, reduce exposure time, and operate at low light levels.

The VS4-1845 is an enhanced, latest generation image intensifier assembly. It attaches to an existing camera, similar to a lens, to make an instant intensified camera. Featuring the latest updates based on new technology, user feedback, and parts availability, the VS4-1845 housing design allows the flexibility of adding and removing many popular options without custom hardware.  The housing design also boasts a relay lens with a throughput that is close to a fiber optic, virtually eliminating inherent glare (unwanted reflection and/or light leaks).  Thus, the VS4-1845 remains the most versatile solution for low light level imaging applications.

Popular Customization Options:

Please note that cost consequences for options may vary. Some options are mutually exclusive. Consult with VSI engineering to determine the best solution for your application and budget requirements.

  • Manual/Automatic Controls
  • UV/Visible/Extended Blue/Solar Blind Spectral Response
  • Gating time as low as 3ns (full p-p cathode voltage)
  • MHz gate repetition rate
  • MCP Gating
  • Dual MCP for photon counting
  • GEN II and GEN III Intensifiers from all known manufacturers
  • Filmed/Pinnacle/Non-filmed Intensifiers
  • Fully automatic for surveillance/detection applications

Tech Specs
Low Light Level Imaging

  • Up to 200 fps
  • Low light level sensitivity
  • Popular Photocathode Selections
  • UV, Visible or Solar Blind
  • Fully manually controlled for rigorous scientific studies requiring accurate quantification of light

Some Applications

  • Microscopy
  • Bioluminescence
  • Single Molecule Imagine
  • Spectroscopy
  • Fluorescence
  • UV Corona Discharge Observation
  • Photon Counting

