When applications are exacting, and precision and clarity are vital, VSI delivers. VSI is focused on customized low light solutions that meet the unique and highly specialized needs of scientific community.
The Maxicam4000 is an intensified digital CCD (ICCD) camera developed for low light level applications. The image intensifier is fiber-optically coupled to a CCD camera. Our off-the-shelf solution includes a camera that best matches the optical performance of the image intensifier and offers a wide selection of computer interfaces in a compact package. The Maxicam4000 features the highest resolution and sensitivity available through careful management and design of the components used in their manufacture. The result is a camera solution that truly meets our customers’ exacting needs.
Popular Customization Options:
Please note that cost consequences for options may vary. Some options are mutually exclusive. Consult with VSI engineering to determine the best solution for your application and budget requirements.
- Analog/Digital/Hybrid Systems
- Manual/Automatic Controls
- CCD/CMOS Cameras
- FireWire / USB / Ethernet / CamerLink / LVDS / CoaXPress
- Gating time as low as 3ns (full p-p cathode voltage)
- MHz gate repetition rate
- MCP Gating
- Dual MCP for photon counting
- GEN II and GEN III Intensifiers from all known manufacturers
- Filmed/Pinnacle/Non-filmed Intensifiers
- Fully automatic for surveillance/detection applications
- Multiple sensor system
Tech Specs
Low Light Level Imaging
- Up to 200 fps
- Low light level sensitivity
- Popular Photocathode Selections
- UV, Visible, NIR or Solar Blind
- Fully manually controlled for rigorous scientific studies requiring accurate quantification of light
Some Applications
- Microscopy
- Bioluminescence
- Single Molecule Imagine
- Spectroscopy
- Fluorescence
- UV Corona Discharge Observation
- Photon Counting